Business Audits

Audits create positive change and will increase your bottom line by increasing your operating efficiency. We will take a 360-degree view of your business expenditure, identify and support you to achieve savings in your procurement, while ensuring a transparent and responsible supply chain.
Having visibility on how your processes actually work and the effectiveness of them is key to getting ahead in business. You can’t improve what you don’t measure so no matter what your goals are - from carbon off-setting to reduced expenditure - we will work with you to help you achieve them.
Procurement expenditure reports
Knowing how much you are spending and what on is an essential first step in tracking and managing procurement budgets. We will work with you to either create these from scratch after collecting data or we can look at the data you have collected with other suppliers to see where improvements can be made. These reports work best as fluid documents as they will show trends over time. Your account manager will review your data regularly to ensure that you are always purchasing in the best way for your business.
Multi-site purchasing reports
Managing multiple sites when it comes to purchasing is difficult. Sites can sometimes act as independent units when it comes to purchasing so if you’re trying to consolidate all of your reports into one it can be difficult. Having the ability to oversee your entire purchasing budget and expenditure means collecting the right data from each site and having ways of measuring this. We will work with you to set your sites up on our system so that the procurement team naturally has more control over expenditure, frequency of deliveries and the products on the core list.
Carbon capture reports
We’re working with many customers to help them hit their corporate social responsibility goals. Businesses and organisations are becoming increasingly concerned about the impact they have on the planet. Having the visibility on how your supply chain impacts the environment will help you to see where you can make improvements. We also run carbon offsetting initiatives so that you can capture any CO2 you produce through tree planting.