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Here at Fenn 1875, we've got lots of exciting news and offers to share with you. Here you can keep up to date with all our latest activity from charity events to office storage space solutions.

25/08/2021 | Blog

Changing consumer trends since the pandemic

It’s no small statement to say that the pandemic shook up the supplies industry massively. Most of the population were ordered to work from home or furloughed, completely changing our day to day lives. When how we live is disrupted, our patterns naturally change and the pandemic has been one of the key reasons. But,…
18/08/2021 | Blog

A people led business in the digital age

Recently our Managing Director, Louise Harris, appeared on a podcast with one of our technology suppliers, Horizon. The discussion focused around how Fenn’s uses technology in a way that enhances the human elements of the business that we pride ourselves on.    As Louise puts it, “we see ourselves at the forefront of technology, married…
11/08/2021 | Blog

Create an office that people want to come back to

Coming back to the office is a controversial topic, no matter who you ask. Some people can’t wait to return and have really missed the human interaction element of being all together in the same space. For others, the thought of returning sparks a feeling of dread and anxiety.  When thinking about transitioning your team…
04/08/2021 | Blog

Is Amazon really the best option for buying business supplies?

Amazon is the go-to option if you want an item delivered with ease. You know the feeling, you’re in the middle of doing something else and that item you need springs to mind! So you get out your phone and after a few taps and swipes, it’s arriving tomorrow. Huge time savings and little effort…
28/02/2019 | Blog

How workwear can affect and improve your health

Workwear has come a long way since the days of boiler suits, aprons and overalls, and even the office staple of a shirt and tie has come under scrutiny. Working clothes for professional tradesmen and women has become something of a science, with fabrics and garments developed to suit everything from different working environments and…
12/06/2019 | Blog

Clever office storage solutions for sneaky hoarders

Drawing the line between respecting someone’s space and excessive clutter is tricky. With today’s office design driving towards open multi-functional spaces, it’s almost impossible to hide any eyesores from visiting clients. Less clutter not only means less wasted time hunting for what you want, it can help hide essential cabling and even generate a sense…
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