When you work outside, it can be hard to choose the best workwear to keep you both safe and comfortable in any weather condition. While you can have winter and summer wardrobes, the British weather isn’t that predictable. Knowing what uniforms to provide can be difficult because too many items isn’t cost effective and can cause confusion for your team. 

Taking into consideration what safety equipment is necessary for different kinds of weather is important too. From sun protection to waterproof and anti slip materials when you’re working in the rain or snow - preparation is key to ensure your workwear kit is robust and fit for purpose. Here’s all the key pieces and accessories you may not think of. 

Summer workwear and PPE

Working in the heat isn’t comfortable and can be dangerous for prolonged periods of time if you don’t have the correct uniform or PPE. Choosing the right workwear for the summer months is essential for comfort but your PPE is just as important too. Some swaps you can make for summer are:

  • Hard hats with the addition of a peak (like a baseball cap) to help you see in the sun
  • Lightweight high-visibility vests instead of jackets
  • You can buy high-visibility cooling vests too that have special technology to keep you cool
  • Workwear shorts with pockets and durable materials will keep you cooler than a full trouser
  • Where full trousers are needed, opt for a lighter and more breathable material where health and safety allows

Wet weather workwear and PPE

Safe working practices during wet weather are a must in the UK, as it’s one of the most common types of weather we experience. Increased risk of accidents happen because of slippy and wet working conditions as well as decreased visibility. These wet weather essentials will help to keep you safe:

  • Anti fogging sprays and wipes for any safety goggles or glasses 
  • Waterproof high-visibility coats and trousers
  • Choose breathable fabrics that are also waterproof 
  • Spare dry clothes or a change of clothes for if the rain is very heavy and seeps through 
  • Waterproof coveralls that cover whole of body instead of separate pieces

Winter workwear and PPE

Working in freezing temperatures is dangerous if you don’t take the correct precautions. Your workwear still needs to be comfortable and allow the space to move freely but it has to be warm enough to protect you from low temperatures. Here are some winter essentials:

  • Thermal under clothes 
  • Waterproof trousers and high-visibility coats that are insulated
  • Car kits with equipment in if you get stuck in the snow: shovels, grit, warning signs
  • Lined and insulated boots and gloves to keep the heat in and the water out
  • Winter liners for hard hats to keep the head, ears and neck warm

Windy weather workwear and PPE

The wind can cause havoc when you’re working outside - even a light breeze can send dust flying everywhere. When the wind gets up it can cause unsafe working environments so supplying your team with the correct PPE is essential. Here’s what we recommend: 

  • Safety glasses or goggles to protect the eyes from dust and debris
  • Dress in warm clothes and have layers to hand 
  • Gloves to keep your hands warm as wind chill is dangerous 
  • Ear plugs as wind can damage hearing 
  • Hard hats to protect the head from any falling objects

For more information on the correct PPE and workwear for your team, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.