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Here at Fenn 1875, we've got lots of exciting news and offers to share with you. Here you can keep up to date with all our latest activity from charity events to office storage space solutions.

03/08/2022 | Blog

What PPE do you need if you work in the food industry?

Working in the food industry comes with a wealth of regulation around hygiene and protection. From food manufacturing to preparation - every stage of the journey requires PPE for the safety of your employees and your consumers. However, different parts of the journey call for specific PPE and the range of equipment needed can seem…
20/07/2022 | Blog

The best safety boots for working outside

Working outside isn’t simple from a health and safety perspective. You need to ensure your team has the right workwear and PPE equipment to withstand any risk factors and changes in the weather. This means choosing an adequate uniform for your team that caters to comfort and necessary safety features is subject to change, depending…
06/07/2022 | Blog

The evolution of workwear

Britain’s workwear industry is growing at a steady rate - predicted 4.3% every year until 2027. However, the heritage behind the industry is just as rich, with various iterations all the way back from the middle ages until the present day. As times have changed, new challenges continue to emerge for workwear manufacturers, shaping the…
01/06/2022 | Blog

The three principles of ergonomics

Ergonomics is a scientific field, informing both design and health & safety considerations in the workplace. With it being a specialised subject and academic in some areas, it’s easy to feel confused when buying a simple desk chair. Furthermore, ergonomics is not something we think of on a daily basis. But, after prolonged periods of…
18/05/2022 | Blog

The best PPE for when you work in the elements

When you work outside, it can be hard to choose the best workwear to keep you both safe and comfortable in any weather condition. While you can have winter and summer wardrobes, the British weather isn’t that predictable. Knowing what uniforms to provide can be difficult because too many items isn’t cost effective and can…
11/05/2022 | Blog

How to create a collaborative space

Since the pandemic, one of the biggest shifts in our attitude is the purpose of the office. We all quickly jumped into creating a ‘community hub’ style of office to tempt people back to face to face working. However, the latest trends show that the best offices are well designed to facilitate different styles of…
27/04/2022 | Blog

Working outside? Best workwear solutions for summer

We’ve already had a spot of good weather this year and it’s fast approaching summer. While the sun can brighten up our moods, the heat is often unbearable - hindering productivity and causing discomfort while we’re trying to work. We’re not all lucky enough to work in a place that has air conditioning or have…
13/04/2022 | Blog

Products to help with work life balance

Balance has always been a difficult goal to achieve in our working lives. The pandemic forced us to shift to a more fluid way of working, which you’d think would enable us to finally achieve the balance we want. But we couldn’t be further from the perfect work/life ratio. With tighter budgets, increased workloads, working…
06/04/2022 | Blog

School fit-outs: everything you need for exam season

Exam season is soon to be upon us and after the disruption caused by the pandemic to education - it’s a daunting time. With most schools now back in the classroom without too much disruption from COVID, a somewhat normal exam set up is set to happen.  With competing needs for a slim budget -…
30/03/2022 | Blog

How to create the perfect virtual meeting set up

Hybrid working is set to stay with remote roles and split teams ensuring not everyone needs to be in the office at once. With your team being out and about - meetings are still largely digital and with that comes a host of well documented issues… Jokes around “can you see my screen”, awkward waves…
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